Kale Slut Super Salad

I loooove kale…it’s my jam. Makes my insides feel sexy healthy. My husband would definitely say my fixation is not healthy. When I want to be annoyingly virtuous, I eat this. This salad features dinosaur kale, the dark green and bumpy variety. This recipe is just a powerhouse of all the latest health favorites. Braggs Amino Acids is a non-fermented soy sauce. It has a bunch of aminos in it and has a yummy umami salty taste. If you can’t find any easily, you can use low sodium soy sauce or tamari. You can add some chicken breast to this for an extra protein punch, but this salad is just as satisfying and delicious without it. It lasts for days, so it is great for packing up to-go.


Kale Super Salad


  • 1 cup red or plain quinoa, cooked.
  • 2 bunches of Curly, Dinosaur or Lacona Kale
  • 2 cups fresh sunflower sprouts (optional)
  • 1 cup thinly-sliced red onion
  • 2 avocados
  • 2 medium carrots, grated or thinly sliced on a mandolin
  • ⅓ cup Sunflower Seeds
  • ½ cup toasted pepitas / pumpkin seeds
  • Juice and zest from one lemon
  • 1-2 tsp creamy Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp Braggs Aminos
  • 1 pressed or grated clove of garlic
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. Remove stems and chop kale into small, bite-sized pieces. Wash and spin dry kale and sprouts.
  2. To make dressing, combine in a lidded jar, lemon juice and zest, mustard, Braggs (start with 1 Tablespoon, taste and decide if you want a bit more), garlic, olive oil and shake in the jar until a creamy blend. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Tasting this is everything. You want a salty and lemony balance. Add more of whatever component you desire.
  3. Toss kale, carrots, seeds, sprouts, onion, and quinoa with the dressing. This can be refrigerated up to 3 days. Add chicken and fresh avocado to salad, just before serving.

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