
  • Orange Soy Glazed Salmon with Spring Soba Salad
    Spring is coming and I am planning for the lovely treats of the season: peas, spring onions, asparagus and maybe a few Fava beans (so worth the extra work). This salmon recipe is tasty and easy-peasy. I serve  it with the noodle salad tocompliment the soy glaze. Soba noodles
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  • Island Curry Sweet Potato Bowl and Jerk Marinade
    Heres another bowl for you!  A nice bit of spicy tropical flavor. Recipes like this are great when you have to feed group of people that have different diets. You make all the components and they assemble the bowls as they like them – easy peasy. Recipe Island Curry Powder INGREDIENTS 1½ tbsp turmeric  1 tsp
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  • My Tuesday ‘Almost’ Larb Family Meal
    I love the flavors of Thai, Vietnamese and Laotian food. I also don’t have any of those style of restaurants conveniently nearby. I cobbled this together for quick and easy summer suppers when I had a craving for those flavor palettes – sweet, sour, spicy and salty. Larb is a Thai dish. It’s a flavorful and tart
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  • Eat It And Like It
    You’ve probably heard this one: “Some people live to eat, but I eat to live”. To which I say, “More power to ya!” (Eyeroll here.) I know this is one way to be, but it’s just not my jam.  Here’s the deal. There are things humans don’t have any choice about doing: breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, and socializing in one form
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