
  • Parchment Chicken Dinner
    Sometimes, we just don’t want a to make dinner. No dishes, no mess, no fuss. This is a family favorite. What goes into each packet can be customized. For a long time, my son didn’t add the mushrooms to his packet. Thankfully, he wised up to the deliciousness of
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  • Green Turkey Chili Stuffed Peppers
    I like this version of the classic dish. My stuffed peppers have a southwest flavor – green chilies being a weakness of mine.  I like to use red and green bell peppers, along with the red onion all chopped like confetti. It makes the dish fun and colorful.  I use brown rice instead of white. I think it holds up better
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  • Bison Meatloaf – Two Ways, Too Good!
    It’s not easy cooking for our families and always trying to be yummy and healthy. I have tried to make alternative “healthy” food swaps for some common ingredients, which never went over very well (I had to sit through the lecture on how spelt tortillas were most certainly NOT the same as regular, and to stop my shenanigans). One
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  • Island Curry Sweet Potato Bowl and Jerk Marinade
    Heres another bowl for you!  A nice bit of spicy tropical flavor. Recipes like this are great when you have to feed group of people that have different diets. You make all the components and they assemble the bowls as they like them – easy peasy. Recipe Island Curry Powder INGREDIENTS 1½ tbsp turmeric  1 tsp
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