
  • Roasted Cauliflower and Farro Salad with Garlic Mint Brown Butter
    We love roasted cauliflower and the ever deliciousness of nutty, toothsome farro. But I just jump up and down about some brown butter! It’s always a good thing. To make this salad more of a meal, top with a soft-cooked egg. Recipe Roasted Cauliflower and Farro Salad with Garlic Mint Brown Butter Serves 4 INGREDIENTS 1 cup farro,
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  • Shrimp, Farro and Asparagus Salad with Dill Mustard Vinaigrette
    After a glorious couple months of shelter-in-place family time,  I looked up from the bottom of the pan containing the last of the tahini brownies and caught my refection in the window over the sink. Wild hair, chocolate smeared fingers. Ugh. Too much “comfort.”  I need some feel-good food now. My farm box has
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  • Smokey Spanish Potato Salad With Lemony Saffron Aioli
    We became obsessed with Spanish flavor notes the past few weeks, and this was my absolute favorite. This salad is colorful and smoky. The ingredients list reads like a tapas bar menu. And if you really need some greens, dress some up with a squeeze of lemon and olive oil and serve the potato salad on top. This can be served hot or
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  • Thai beef dinner salad
    I love salads. My family, not so much. Sometimes, they are a bit veggie-phobic. However, the weather is heating up and I am feeling like summer salad season is upon us. So while my boys may sigh at the word salad, I have found my salad meals are much better received if made with hearty ingredients and with a good big flavor. I love
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  • Tuna melts. What’s old is new again!
    Ahh, the fickleness of food trends. One minute it is all about iceberg and jello ambrosia, and the next it’s pomegranate vinegar and grilled romaine. Then, acai (don’t ask me how to say that) and kimchi. Canned tuna, once a common and integral ingredient in every 1970’s kitchen, is looked down upon as a pedestrian staple. Until
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  • Powerhouse Beets
    This week’s pantry powerhouse is Beets!!! These earthy roots keep a while in your fridge, which makes them a good food to have in a shelter-in-place situation. They are good raw or cooked. Beets are full of fiber, folate, iron and vitamins. They are good for blood pressure, stamina , liver function and have disease-fighting
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  • Arlychoke Salad – A Return To Balance
    Summer is winding down and, although the end of August into October is really one of the finest times of the year for the San Francisco Bay area – when the fog clears out a bit and the yellow autumn light gives everything an enchanted cast, we are all called back to the regularity of school schedules, fall activities, and planning
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  • Tomato Olive Quinoa Salad
    This favorite salad is not only delicious, it’s a “super food” powerhouse. I like to have a bit for breakfast — it’s seriously sustaining, and I feel like my insides are thanking me all day for the healthy grain, fats, and antioxidants. It also works as a great to-go lunch or a nice side for supper, and keeps very well for several
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