
  • Smokey Clams with Chorizo and Cream
    My fuzzy birdling flew the nest early this past Autumn. They are off to try their wings in the real world. It was a little overdue and complicated by the events of the prior few years, but off they went, and they are making their way, as best that one can at 20.  Happy as I am, it is bittersweet when a child leaves home.  I was
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  • Left-Coast Cioppino
    Cioppino is a San Francisco dish with Italian roots. A fisherman’s stew made of whatever is on hand after a long day on the water. There are many iterations in the Bay Area and everyone has their favorite. I am partial to the thicker, deeper broths, as I am a sauce junkie and must have something to swab up with my sourdough bread
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  • “Oh, Just Hurry Up Fall!” Chile Verde
    There is so much already written, much more poetic and inspiring than anything I can write. “Hark, the changing golden yellow light, the long shadows falling across childhood sentiments of pumpkin patches and the crisp mornings. And nostalgic incense of burning leaves and spiced cider.” And on it goes… I go berserk in the
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  • Essential Turkey chili
    In truth, I’ve never really had a formal recipe for this. I have been making this so long, I just have “the way” I do it. I think some family recipes are like that – evolving and changing within a general framework. I usually just throw stuff together in a general way, depending on what I have around. This time, I actually
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  • Soup As Life
    Things recently got a little tough around here. Work was a little crazy, and a series of sniffles and illnesses made everything even harder. As I went along with my life, even the littlest things seemed super hard and exhausting. I just wanted a little comfort and ease, and a bit of nourishment to get me through. I found myself
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  • Soup Party Pleasures
    One cold, rainy, quiet, gloomy February, when I was deeply missing the camaraderie and belly laughs of good times misspent with warm and funny friends, I decided to throw a soup party. …and it made everything better! So much better, in fact, that we’ve turned it into a tradition. Every year our group throws a big soup party,
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