• Essential Turkey chili
    In truth, I’ve never really had a formal recipe for this. I have been making this so long, I just have “the way” I do it. I think some family recipes are like that – evolving and changing within a general framework. I usually just throw
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  • Thai beef dinner salad
    I love salads. My family, not so much. Sometimes, they are a bit veggie-phobic. However, the weather is heating up and I am feeling like summer salad season is upon us. So while my boys may sigh at the word salad, I have found my salad meals are much better received if made with hearty ingredients and with a good big flavor. I love
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  • Tuna melts. What’s old is new again!
    Ahh, the fickleness of food trends. One minute it is all about iceberg and jello ambrosia, and the next it’s pomegranate vinegar and grilled romaine. Then, acai (don’t ask me how to say that) and kimchi. Canned tuna, once a common and integral ingredient in every 1970’s kitchen, is looked down upon as a pedestrian staple. Until
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  • Powerhouse Beets
    This week’s pantry powerhouse is Beets!!! These earthy roots keep a while in your fridge, which makes them a good food to have in a shelter-in-place situation. They are good raw or cooked. Beets are full of fiber, folate, iron and vitamins. They are good for blood pressure, stamina , liver function and have disease-fighting
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  • Cooking With Kids
    I let children play with sharp objects. I let them handle vats of boiling fluids and molten metal sheets. I am not sure how it happened. Somebody gave my name to someone who called me – I said yes. And then another person called me and so on. I still find my mind boggled by it all.  I teach kids how to cook. I work with
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  • Soup As Life
    Things recently got a little tough around here. Work was a little crazy, and a series of sniffles and illnesses made everything even harder. As I went along with my life, even the littlest things seemed super hard and exhausting. I just wanted a little comfort and ease, and a bit of nourishment to get me through. I found myself
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  • Cookies Anytime!
    I am all about convenience, I really am. I have a family, like…3 jobs, and an active social life. So I get it.  You see those pre-made cookies in the refrigerated section, and you think “Why not? It’s quick and easy and everyone loves a warm cookie.” Just stop. Back away from the poison preservative balls, and head to the
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  • Arlychoke Salad – A Return To Balance
    Summer is winding down and, although the end of August into October is really one of the finest times of the year for the San Francisco Bay area – when the fog clears out a bit and the yellow autumn light gives everything an enchanted cast, we are all called back to the regularity of school schedules, fall activities, and planning
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  • The magic of Todos Santos, Baja
    Damn, I love travel. The feel of different air on my skin, the scents of flora or spices or brine in the air…there’s nothing like being able to taste the flavor of a place, to be touched by its unique culture, and then come home with something new and special framed forever in memory. But this a food essay, so let me put it
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  • Soup Party Pleasures
    One cold, rainy, quiet, gloomy February, when I was deeply missing the camaraderie and belly laughs of good times misspent with warm and funny friends, I decided to throw a soup party. …and it made everything better! So much better, in fact, that we’ve turned it into a tradition. Every year our group throws a big soup party,
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