• Tomato Olive Quinoa Salad
    This favorite salad is not only delicious, it’s a “super food” powerhouse. I like to have a bit for breakfast — it’s seriously sustaining, and I feel like my insides are thanking me all day for the healthy grain, fats, and antioxidants. It also
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  • Winter Hygge Salad
    After the New Year is rung in, and holiday excesses start fading into happy memory, most of us turn to making resolutions. In the coming year, by heaven, we’re going to change X, Y, or Z and become better persons. This year I’m going to eat healthy and lose those last 10 pounds…this year I’m going to exercise more and stress
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  • Iron Skillet Winter Brunch
    I love to do brunches. They are the perfect party medium. There is a structure to them that makes brunch easier than a lot of other parties you might throw.  Breakfast food, drinks, people. Yum.  This is my winter brunch: Winter Potato Hash with Salmon and Eggs Skillet Frisee Salad with pear and carrot cake dressing.
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  • Eat It And Like It
    You’ve probably heard this one: “Some people live to eat, but I eat to live”. To which I say, “More power to ya!” (Eyeroll here.) I know this is one way to be, but it’s just not my jam.  Here’s the deal. There are things humans don’t have any choice about doing: breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, and socializing in one form
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  • The Crafty Cocktail Hour Gift
    With all the running around and extra work come holiday time, it can be difficult to get into the spirit of the season…so I like to jumpstart the jolly with actual spirits! A few years ago we began barrel-aging Manhattans and giving them as grown-up gifts, along with my famous masala-spiced nuts, to our adult friends who
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