
  • Parchment Chicken Dinner
    Sometimes, we just don’t want a to make dinner. No dishes, no mess, no fuss. This is a family favorite. What goes into each packet can be customized. For a long time, my son didn’t add the mushrooms to his packet. Thankfully, he wised up to the deliciousness of
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  • Mushroom, Turkey and Greens Salad
    This is a delicious earthy and hearty lunch salad. Perfect on a cool day and full of deep flavors. The turkey can be bought at the store (pre-roasted) usually found with the rotisserie chickens. A wonderful dinner if sided with a smoky tomato soup and a slice of nutty whole grain wheat bread and a slather of creamy sweet butter.
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  • Spinach Shitake Salad – with Almond Hoisin Dressing
    I am in salad mode again. There are Asian ingredients in this, yet it has a distinctly California vibe.  Inspired years ago by a summer roll recipe in Sunset Magazine, it’s a delicious salad brimming with the “umami” – the Asian flavor of satisfaction. This is a very substantial and savory salad as-is, but feel free to add
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