
  • Orange Soy Glazed Salmon with Spring Soba Salad
    Spring is coming and I am planning for the lovely treats of the season: peas, spring onions, asparagus and maybe a few Fava beans (so worth the extra work). This salmon recipe is tasty and easy-peasy. I serve  it with the noodle salad tocompliment the soy glaze. Soba noodles
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  • Iron Skillet Winter Brunch
    I love to do brunches. They are the perfect party medium. There is a structure to them that makes brunch easier than a lot of other parties you might throw.  Breakfast food, drinks, people. Yum.  This is my winter brunch: Winter Potato Hash with Salmon and Eggs Skillet Frisee Salad with pear and carrot cake dressing.
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