Why We’re Here

We all have friends we reach out to when we need inspiration or ideas. As a chef and caterer, I’m usually the go-to call in my circle for eating tips and party food, and I am truly tickled when this happens, because I love to help people create something wonderful to share. I’m also in love with the concept of not having everything be so hard. Food should bring joy into your life, not anxiety!

It was out of these experiences that Arlychoke was concieved.

Our mission is to take you on a journey. We’ll do that by sharing wonderful recipes, great ideas for entertaining and family fun, and nifty tips and treats. With Arlychoke our goal is to strip away the nonsense and anxiety and show you how to have fun through cooking and connection — to get straight to the heart of things and create a flow that works for you

We want you to eat food you’ll love. We want you to have good times. And above all else, we want you, your friends, and your loved ones to feel nurtured, cared for, and inspired. We’re here to empower you to explore your kitchen creativity, adding joy and a bit of new flavor to life along the way.

— Shaun Fitch

©Arlychoke.com 2018